
What is probability that someone makes more than 50k.

By Major

By Region

  • Cost of Living
  • Major
  • Region


# A tibble: 10 × 2
   major                 salary
   <chr>                  <dbl>
 1 Drama                  35900
 2 Interior Design        36100
 3 Hospitality & Tourism  37800
 4 Nutrition              39900
 5 Film                   37900
 6 History                39200
 7 Communications         38100
 8 Criminal Justice       35000
 9 Philosophy             39900
10 Anthropology           36800
# A tibble: 10 × 2
   region       income
   <chr>         <dbl>
 1 Southern      42600
 2 Northeastern  49100
 3 Southern      41800
 4 Southern      46900
 5 Midwestern    45400
 6 Northeastern  42300
 7 Western       38500
 8 Northeastern  40600
 9 Southern      42800
10 Southern      47000

What are dragging the average down?

Fitted Model


Out of the 3,916 observations, only 2,569 make more than 50,000. So about 65.6% make more than 50,000 after they graduate.